Showing 1–9 of 37 results

Dental Gold

10.00 kr20.00 kr
What are the true values in life? That is a question we keep asking ourselves during the financial crises of our existence, and it haunts the narrator of this short story, too. A reliable answer would be beyond price.

Dental Gold and Other Stories

30.00 kr60.00 kr
Axel Thormählen’s stories are as unpredictable as life itself, mixtures of pleasure and sadness in shifting registers along the scale between romance and satire. They deal with people who want to find comfort and some kind of foothold in human existence, even though some of them realise that contented stability will always elude them.


10.00 kr
Vari består livets sanna värden? Den frågan ställer vi oss gång på gång under tillvarons finanskriser, och i denna novell ansätter den även jagberättaren. Ett tillförlitligt svar vore bokstavligen guld värt.

The Ladislaw Case

60.00 kr150.00 kr
This sequel to Middlemarch is also in a limited sense a sequel to Dickens’ Bleak House. While there is no need to have read either novel in order to enjoy The Ladislaw Case, acquaintance with George Eliot’s characters and Dickens’ Inspector Bucket enhances the reader’s pleasure in following the twists and turns of the plot and the tribulations of the characters. Read the blurb text Click here for a synopsis Here is a chapter from the book: [Ladislaw Chapter 23.pdf] "Thormählen writes very well, moves the plot along, and keeps the tension at just the right pitch throughout. She does a particularly good job extrapolating Eliot's characters, convincingly making Ladislaw much less attractive than he is in Eliot's novel and revealing the implications of Rosamond's chilling egotism ... Thormählen ... has created an entertaining re-vision of a major Victorian novel [which] successfully extrapolates elements in [Middlemarch] that both illuminate and criticize [it]." George P. Landow, Editor-in-Chief, The Victorian Web. 'One of the pleasures of reading Imke Thormählen's murder mystery ... is that it works on two levels: even as it unravels the question of who committed the murder, the novel provides a thought-provoking sequel to George Eliot's Middlemarch. /---/ [It contains] ... strong narrative suspense, psychological realism, and a credible Victorian setting ... [I]maginatively and insightfully faithful to George Eliot's vision ... this novel ... reveals some of the hitherto untapped potential that lies latent in ... Eliot's novel and is, at the same time, a very good read indeed.' Micael M. Clarke, George Eliot -- George Henry Lewes Studies, Nos. 64-65 'The characterization of the main protagonists in the story is generally consistent with that created by George Eliot ... Characters impress us or repel us by what they say. There is no difficulty here in recognizing their voices: the clear sombre voice of the disappointed Dr Lydgate; the excessively polite voice of Rosamond, so quick to criticize her husband and add to his sense of failure in his professional and social life; the irritable and yet self-critical voice of the young politician Ladislaw; the certain tones of Lady Chettam secure in her social position, correcting her sister "Dodo" and yet always caring for her ... If the reader has also devoured Middlemarch, he or she will be eager to meet old friends, to be reminded of some of the darker strands of that story, and ultimately, tense with expectations, excited to discover the murderer. We are kept guessing until very near the end and for most readers the revelation will be a real surprise.' Ruth and Michael Harris, The George Eliot Review 44 (2013), 88-89

Eine Wintertaufe

und andere weihnachtliche Erzählungen JMB Verlag, 2010 Das Phänomen „Weihnacht“ hat schon viele Schriftsteller/innen fasziniert. Einige Weihnachtsgeschichten, z. B. Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, sind mittlerweile Klassiker der Weltliteratur. Das Thema erschöpft sich nicht; immer wieder gibt es neue Aspekte von diesem Fest der Hoffnung, das mitten im Winter den Alltag vorübergehend vertreibt. Dazu gehören die bis zum Heiligabend aufgesparten Erwartungen, die manchmal erfüllt werden und manchmal nicht. Axel Thormählen wollte eigentlich nur die eine echte Weihnachtsgeschichte schreiben und dabei das Geheimnis lüften, was Menschen mit diesem Fest verbindet. Es hat sich aber erwiesen, dass das mit einer einzigen Geschichte nicht möglich ist. Allerdings unterscheiden sich die hier vorliegenden fünf Erzählungen wohl in ihrem Ausgangspunkt, doch nicht in der Aussage, nämlich dass Wunder passieren, auch wenn sie als solche nicht wahrgenommen werden. Zuweilen geschehen sie eben gerade zur Weihnachtszeit. Bestellung für Eine Wintertaufe und andere weihnachtliche Erzählungen an Jens Bolm .

Der Grüne Himmel

45.00 kr
JMB Verlag, 2015 Illustrationen von Peter Kirchhof „Schlachtfeld Menschheit“: Unter diesem Thema wird in der kleinen südschwedischen Universitätsstadt Lund eine zehntägige Konferenz abgehalten, an der führende Geisteswissenschaftler aus aller Welt teilnehmen. Parallel dazu tagen im medizinischen Bereich Experten der Kardiologie. Bei einem Ausflug am ersten Tag vermischen sich einige der Teilnehmer in einem kleinen Wald außerhalb von Lund. Dieser Wald ist danach der wirkliche Mittelpunkt der Handlung. Jeden Tag treffen sich dort verschiedene Personen und machen Spaziergänge, wobei zuweilen merkwürdige Dinge passieren. Dieser Roman besteht aus Episoden. Während der jeweiligen Spaziergänge werden zentrale Aspekte unseres Menschenlebens angesprochen. Dazu gehören Alter und Kindheit, Liebe, Krankheit und Tod sowie Kunst, Lüge und Zukunft. Axel Thormählen beschreibt die Geschehnisse in einem warmen und zeitweise humoristischen Ton. Ohne vor den tiefsten Unruhen der Menschenseele haltzumachen, bietet dieser zugleich besinnliche und fantasievolle Roman vor allem Trost.

Tandguld och andra berättelser

30.00 kr60.00 kr
Axel Thormählens noveller är lika oberäkneliga som livet självt, tankfulla blandningar av humor och svårmod med inslag av ömhet och stänk av satir. De handlar om människor som söker tröst och ett fotfäste i tillvaron, även om några av dem inser att de aldrig kommer att bli nöjda med vad som ligger inom det möjligas ramar. Axel Thormählen, f. 1945 i Nordtyskland, har bott i Sverige sedan 1969 men har alltid skrivit på sitt tyska modersmål. I svensk översättning har följande böcker av honom utkommit, alla på ellerströms förlag: novellsamlingarna De närvarande (1987) och Verksamhetsberättelser (1996) samt romanen Wilhelm (1993). De tidiga romanerna Hanky och Hanna utkom 1978 resp. 1983 på Merlin Verlag i Tyskland. 2014 gav det likaledes tyska jmb-Verlag ut hans bästa noveller under titeln Der letzte Wikinger und andere Erzählungen. Den satiriska litteraturthrillern Wenn Wörter töten könnten, en hejdlös drift med litteraturscenen och dess aktörer som delvis utspelar sig i Lund och på Gotland, har kommit ut på jmb-Verlag i flera utgåvor, senast 2020.

The Brontës in Context (paperback)

189.00 kr
Edited by: Marianne Thormählen, Lunds Universitet, Sweden Very few families produce one outstanding writer. The Brontë family produced three. The works of Charlotte, Emily and Anne remain immensely popular, and are increasingly being studied in relation to the surroundings and wider context that formed them. The forty-two new essays in this book tell 'the Brontë story' as it has never been told before, drawing on the latest research and the best available scholarship while offering new perspectives on the writings of the sisters. A section on Brontë criticism traces their reception to the present day. The works of the sisters are explored in the context of social, political and cultural developments in early-nineteenth-century Britain, with attention given to religion, education, art, print culture, agriculture, law and medicine. Crammed with information, The Brontës in Context shows how the Brontës' fiction interacts with the spirit of the time, suggesting reasons for its enduring fascination. The Brontës in Context, hardback The Brontës in Context, paperback

Reviews so far

'General readers will enjoy it as much as Brontë students and fans, and its careful avoidance of anything too topical or controversial will keep it fresh for years. Thormählen's high-quality contributors, assembly of reliable facts and data, pertinent commentary, maps, illustrations, splendid chronology and further reading lists make it everything that one could wish for.' Times Literary Supplement 'The high quality of scholarship in combination with the clarity of the jargon-free writing make it a book accessible to all. Those new to the Brontës will receive a solid introduction; those familiar with the Brontë story will be surprised by new information and fresh insights. Much of the knowledge one gains over the years from reading many disparate books is gathered together into this one volume, helping the reader to develop a coherent and comprehensive understanding of this literary family's life and historical contexts. I would recommend The Brontës in Context not only to those interested in the Brontës, but to anyone studying literature in the Victorian age. /---/ [It] will serve current and future generations of Brontë readers, students and scholars admirably; it will also prompt new avenues of study as readers delve deeper into the variety of issues that this volume covers. The Brontës in Context exemplifies the best writing, communicating not only information but also pleasure to the reader who enters its pages, ensuring that it will have a lasting contribution to make to the world of Brontë studies.' Brontë Studies 'Readers of The Brontës in Context will gain fresh insights into the writings of the sisters, and also how those writings relate to the concerns of their time and contribute to our understanding of the nineteenth-century mindset. Already my copy is getting thumb-marked, and I'm sure the book will be a valued handbook for years to come.' Emerald Insight

Rochester – The Poems in Context (paperback)

359.00 kr
The 1999 Oxford University Press edition by Harold Love of the works of John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, praises Marianne Thormählen's Rochester: The Poems in Context (Cambridge University Press, 1993; a paperback edition appeared in 2006) as the most up-to-date book on Rochester's poetry, a "fresh, personal, and profoundly learned" study (pp. xlvi-xlvii). Other scholars have called it "splendid" (The Yearbook of English Studies), "intelligent and careful" (The Review of English Studies), "judicious" (Times Literary Supplement), and "smart and useful ... a treasure trove of information [for which] readers of Rochester will be indebted to Ms Thormählen for years to come" (The Scriblerian). Marianne Thormählen regards Rochester as a serious poet who devoted much time and care to his verse and aimed for the highest standards in his writing. This view runs counter to the traditional idea of Rochester as the "wicked earl" who wrote with ease; but she bolsters it with convincing evidence of painstaking literary desk-work, deliberate exploitation and subversion of poetical conventions, and subtly crafted references to people and events in Charles II's and Louis XIV's Europe. Rochester's much-talked-about obscenities are shown to belong within a sombre framework of dissatisfaction with sensual pursuits and distrust of male sexual ability. The book ends with a consideration of Rochester's famous deathbed conversion. A select bibliography directs the reader to every notable work on Rochester up to 1990. Rochester: The Poems in Context, hardback Rochester: The Poems in Context, paperback